IT resources


Attendance times
 Mo.  Tu.  We. Th.  Fr.
Morning  A.F.   A.F. A.F.  A.F. V.B.
Afternoon  A.F.  A.F. V.B. V.B. 


Due to the current situation with Covid-19, appointments will be made via email.

IT assistance in the time of the Corona crisis. Software, tips, links and help for online teaching (This is inside the university network, please use VPN from outside the university)

Technical Support

Booking of IT resources (data projectors, laptops) and of lecture room B321. Bookings are only available from within the university network.
Make online reservation 

VPN Client allows for practically unlimited access to the online resources of the University of Bern (university network). 
Download VPN Client

Important information about phishing.

Information about the university software (university network).
Software (German)